Permafrost News

19 stories

Arctic sea ice hits summer minimum; Antarctic hovers at new winter lows

Arctic melt ponds influence sea ice extent each summer — but how much?

Indigenous Alaskans drive research in a melting arctic

Alaska’s Arctic rivers turn rusty orange as permafrost thaws

Polar warning: Warming temperatures mean more than melted ice

Freeze on Russian collaboration disrupts urgently needed permafrost data flow

Sagarmatha microbes may survive harsh conditions for decades

2021 tropical forest loss figures put zero-deforestation goal by 2030 out of reach

Siberian heat drives Arctic ice extent to record low for early July

Arctic permafrost moving toward crisis, abrupt thaw a growing risk: Studies

Beyond Paris: COP22, a critical nuts-and-bolts carbon-cutting summit

The week in environmental news – Dec 12, 2015

Climate change’s ominous secret

Rise in 1.5 degrees Celsius likely to spark massive greenhouse gas release from permafrost

Massive methane leak in Arctic could trigger abrupt warming

Climate change doubles coastal erosion in Alaska over 5-year period

Melting permafrost will be major driver of global warming

Sea ice loss may triple warming over northern Alaska, Canada, and Russia

Melting permafrost affects greenhouse gas emissions

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