Palm oil News

2023 stories

Loss of oil palm permits leaves Papuan villages uncertain and fearful

New Zealand developer denies key role in giant palm oil project in Indonesia

Links to coal mining add to Indonesian palm oil sector’s risk for buyers

Remnant forests struggle to survive amid oil palm plantations, study shows

11 Mongabay investigations in two years. Here’s what we found

For Indonesian MPs, Indigenous rights may be bad for business, report says

Oil palms alone can be damaging; with other crops, the benefits abound

Fomenting a “Perfect Storm” to push companies to change: Q&A with Glenn Hurowitz

Palm oil firms in Papua hit back with lawsuit after permits are revoked

Calls mount for Indonesian ban on new palm oil plantations to be extended

Plantations and roads strip away Papua’s forests. They’re just getting started

Palm oil grower looks to make amends for past deforestation in Indonesia

Indonesia eyes less severe fire season, but COVID-19 could turn it deadly

FSC dumps palm oil giant Korindo amid rights, environmental issues in Papua

Top brands failing to spot rights abuses on Indonesian oil palm plantations

Indonesia bets on biofuels over oil, but EVs could render both moot

‘Technical problems’ holding up enforcement of rulings in Indonesian fire and haze cases, official says

Wildfires turn up the heat on farmers growing Indonesia’s ‘hottest’ pepper

Deforestation of endangered wildlife habitat continues to surge in southern Myanmar

Deforestation of orangutan habitat feeds global palm oil demand, report shows

Never too late to save Earth: Q&A with Leuser forest guardian Rudi Putra

Environmental benefits or social — but rarely both — under RSPO, study finds

Banks increased deforestation-linked investments by $8B during Covid-19: report

Scientists call for solving climate and biodiversity crises together

Final court ruling orders Indonesian government to publish plantation data

‘Listening to communities must go beyond ticking compliance boxes’, says Peter Kallang, a Kenyah leader

Indonesia’s biodiesel program fuels deforestation threat, report warns

Chinese banks pouring billions into deforestation-linked firms, report says

West Papua revokes quarter of a million hectares of land from palm oil

Lean times leave orangutans wasting away. Habitat loss makes things worse

Oil palm plantations a ‘threat to global health,’ says study on outbreaks

Science refutes United Cacao’s claim it didn’t deforest Peruvian Amazon

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