Pacific ocean News

214 stories

Is it time for a moratorium on commercial fishing of Pacific bluefin tuna?

New tool lets anyone find out if deep sea mining is happening in their ocean backyard

Ocean warming is “greatest hidden challenge of our generation,” according to IUCN

Indonesia must do more to protect whale sharks, conservationists say

From Boom to Glug glug: Indonesia’s new anti-poacher policy

Sites targeted for deep-sea mining teeming with new species

Should you be concerned about plastic and other human debris in your seafood?

Like Indonesia, Malaysia to sink illegal foreign fishing boats: minister

Looks like Casper: Expedition captures first-ever live footage of ghostlike fish

South China Sea ruling slams China for poaching, reef destruction

The dark side of China’s foreign fishing boom

Saving reef fish from the impacts of a hit film

Company responsible for last year’s oil spill near Santa Barbara, California hit with criminal charges

Five Pacific islands have already disappeared due to sea level rise

Scientists say we need to be far more ambitious about protecting oceans

Scientists discover ‘friendly cartoon ghost’ octopod in deep ocean off Hawaii

The longest global coral bleaching event in history isn’t over yet

Ubiquitous microplastic pollution in oceans found to disrupt oyster reproduction

2015’s top 10 developments for the ocean

Conservationists to send killer robots after destructive starfish

Arctic Ocean acidifies, threatening food web and major fisheries

‘Lazy’ sea lion sons rely on mothers’ milk while diligent daughters learn to hunt

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