New york News

21 stories

Do forest conservation pledges work? (commentary)

Botanical gardens play key role in biodiversity & climate conventions (commentary)

Major meatpacker JBS misled the public about sustainability efforts, NY lawsuit claims

Alleged macaque-smuggling ring exposed as U.S. indicts Cambodian officials

Big Apple birding is set to take flight: Here’s how to get started this Spring

Visions of a post-supply chain society (commentary)

The Brooklyn Bridge needs a makeover. Is rainforest lumber still in style?

Investors say agroforestry isn’t just climate friendly — it’s also profitable

As a campaigner against deforestation, almost dying of COVID-19 was ironic (commentary)

First known case of tiger contracting COVID-19 at Bronx Zoo

New tagging tech for great white shark tracking in New York waters

Religious leaders mobilize to protect indigenous people and forests

‘Adaptation Bangladesh: Sea Level Rise’ film shows how farmers are fighting climate change

Films celebrate big cats on World Wildlife Day

Scientists deploy DNA analysis and radiocarbon dating in latest salvo against ivory trafficking

Watch: $8 million worth elephant ivory crushed in New York City

EGI: Filling in the gaps in law enforcement for the online wildlife trade

The thriving oysters of Wellfleet Harbor

Drink beer, help the ocean?

Alec Baldwin, Helen Clark join Indigenous leaders calling for forest protections and land rights to combat climate change

New fund helps groups buy land quickly to protect threatened wildlife

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