Low tech News

20 stories

Low-key return for rescued rhino calves to Nepal’s Chitwan National Park

In Madagascar, revived environmental crime hotline leads to tortoise bust

Beehive fences can help mitigate human-elephant conflict

Reducing human-elephant encounters with calls, texts, and digital signs

Flashing lights ward off livestock-hunting pumas in northern Chile

Tech goes back to basics to mitigate human-wildlife conflict near Indian parks

In Kenya’s Maasai Mara, detection dogs are a ranger’s best friend

Nearly four decades of cycling race video reveals climate change’s effects

Fingerprinting technology gives investigators an edge against pangolin traffickers

Bees for trees: testing a potential tool for reducing human-elephant conflict

From rescue to research: training detection dogs for conservation

Dogs, dung, and DNA: mapping multi-species corridors to conserve threatened carnivores

Re-peeling the effects of degradation: low-tech application of orange crop waste shows potential to restore tropical forests

Road safety for wildlife: researchers analyze the best techniques for road-kill mitigation

Breaking a fence-breaking habit: maintaining the fences that reduce human-elephant conflict

Farmers lead the way to reduce elephant crop raiding in Tanzania

Hot stuff: improving chili fence effectiveness (in protecting crops from elephants)

Reducing human-wildlife conflict in the blink of a light

Light, long-lasting and low-cost: the technology needs of field conservationists and wildlife researchers

Participatory Mapping in the Mobile Age

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