Livestock News

107 stories

Turning Kenya’s problematic invasive plants into useful bioenergy

Beef industry causes deforestation in Colombia’s Chiribiquete National Park

On the Mongolian steppe, conservation science meets traditional knowledge

African swine fever rips through parts of southern Indonesia

Southeast Asian wild pigs confront deadly African swine fever epidemic

In the Horn of Africa, conflict and illegal trade create a ‘cheetah hell’

Spots of hope: Some good news for South Africa’s cheetahs

No, ‘regenerative ranching’ is not good for grassland birds (commentary)

Why is Europe rewilding with water buffalo?

Humans have been transforming Earth for thousands of years, study says

’Livestock revolution’ triggered decline in global pasture: Report

Flashing lights ward off livestock-hunting pumas in northern Chile

Peccary’s disappearance foreboding for other Mesoamerican wildlife

Pumas engineer their environment, providing habitat for other species

Speed trap: Cameras help defuse human-cheetah conflict in Botswana

Tsetse fly numbers dwindle in the warming Zambezi Valley

A ‘perfect policy storm’ cuts puma numbers by almost half near Jackson, Wyoming

Biomass study finds people are wiping out wild mammals

Tanzania’s Maasai losing ground to tourism in the name of conservation, investigation finds

Suspected poisoning takes down 11 lions in Uganda park

African Parks to manage gorges, rock art and crocodiles of Chad’s Ennedi

More than half of Europe’s forests lost over 6,000 years

Raising beef cattle on grass can create a higher carbon footprint than feedlots, new study suggests

Eat less meat, save species and ecosystems, says WWF UK

Pandas losing ground to hungry livestock in Chinese nature reserve

Stalking snow leopards: Q&A with the director of “Ghost of the Mountains”

Healthy soils can boost food security and climate resilience for millions (commentary)

NOAA announces largest-ever Gulf of Mexico ‘dead zone’

A spotty revival amid decline for China’s endemic leopards

U.S. bans Brazilian beef imports

China’s first national park, an experiment in living with snow leopards

Cattle ranching devours Nicaragua’s Bosawás Biosphere Reserve

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