Land use change News

655 stories

Landmark decision: Brazil Supreme Court sides with Indigenous land rights

Global forest loss increased in 2020

The nine boundaries humanity must respect to keep the planet habitable

Guarani Indigenous men brutalized in Brazilian ‘expansion of violence’

Brazil’s isolated tribes in the crosshairs of miners targeting Indigenous lands

Facebook enabling Amazon land grabbing, deforestation, finds investigation

The Possible Meat: A Brazilian farmer shows ranching can regenerate the Cerrado

As Amazon forest-to-savanna tipping point looms, solutions remain elusive

New platform gathers data on Brazil’s disappearing Cerrado biome

Cat corridors between protected areas is key to survival of Cerrado’s jaguars

Pandemic fails to slow agribusiness’s thirst for Cerrado’s water

Investigation: Dutch, Japanese pension funds pay for Amazon deforestation

Brazil guts agencies, ‘sabotaging environmental protection’ in Amazon: Report

Indigenous groups blast Amazon state’s plan to legalize wildcat mining

An eye in the sky on deforestation: Q&A with Jean Jardeleza and Kim Carlson

Protesters hold back military takeover of Balkans’ largest mountain pasture

Traditional and Indigenous peoples ‘denounce’ planned Amazon railway

Ribeirinhos win right to waterside Amazon homeland lost to Belo Monte dam

Land inequality is worsening and fueling other social ills, report says

Planned road to bisect pristine, biodiverse Brazilian Amazon national park

‘Turning fear into strength’: One woman’s struggle for justice and land rights in Sulawesi

‘Certified’ palm oil linked to worse social, ecological outcomes for Indonesian villagers

Trans-Purus: Brazil’s last intact Amazon forest at immediate risk (commentary)

Inside the weaving protests of West Timor

The Amazon’s Yanomami utterly abandoned by Brazilian authorities: Report

Multiplying Amazon river ports open new Brazil-to-China commodities routes

For sustainable business, ‘planetary boundaries’ define the new rules

Deadly anniversary: Rio Doce, Brazil’s worst environmental disaster, 5 years on

Brazil’s Bem Querer dam: An impending Amazon disaster (commentary)

The women of Kendeng set their feet in cement to stop a mine in their lands. This is their story.

Satellites, maps and the flow of cattle: Brazilian solutions for reducing deforestation are already in use

One year on: Insects still in peril as world struggles with global pandemic

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