Ipcc News

38 stories

Carbon credit certifier Verra updates accounting method amid growing criticism

‘We don’t have much time’: Q&A with climate scientist Pierre Friedlingstein

U.N. ‘stocktake’ calls for fossil fuel phaseout to minimize temperature rise

IPCC warns of ‘last chance’ to limit climate change via drastic emissions cuts

IPCC report calls for ‘immediate and deep’ carbon cuts to slow climate change

Climate change a threat to human well-being and health of the planet: New IPCC report

Humans’ role in climate warming ‘unequivocal,’ IPCC report shows

Scientists call for solving climate and biodiversity crises together

U.N. report lays out blueprint to end ‘suicidal war on nature’

IPBES report details path to exit current ‘pandemic era’

10 noteworthy books on conservation and the environment from 2019

Fires and greenhouse gases fuel drying of the Amazon

What’s at stake after Chile cancels its hosting of COP25?

Research outlines ‘roadmap’ for land use to slow climate change

Forests and forest communities critical to climate change solutions

’Green’ bonds finance industrial tree plantations in Brazil

Climate change spurs deadly virus in frogs in the U.K.

’Unprecedented’ loss of biodiversity threatens humanity, report finds

Our brains can lead us astray when making ‘eco-friendly’ decisions

COP24: US, Russia, Saudis downplay IPCC report in display of disunity

Some Indigenous groups wary of REDD+ following Paris Climate Agreement

Can we stop runaway global warming? ‘All we need is the will to change’

Apocalypse now? Climate change already damaging agriculture, acidifying seas, and worsening extreme weather

Top scientists propose ambitious plans to safeguard world from devastating climate change

Watery world: sea level rising 60 percent faster than predicted

Climate change already worsening weird, deadly, and expensive weather

UN to appoint independent board to audit the IPCC

Largest-ever climate meeting begins in Bali

Peatlands store 100 years of CO2 emissions

IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Mitigation

Cost of stabilizing climate 0.1% per year

Climate report warns of drought, rising sea levels, species extinction

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