Industry News

492 stories

Solomon Islanders imprisoned for trying to stop the logging of their forests

A new election brings little hope for Solomon Islands’ vanishing forests

Illegal logging poised to wipe Cambodian wildlife sanctuary off the map

Huge rubber plantation in Cameroon halts deforestation following rebuke

In Indonesia, a paper giant shuffles a litany of land conflicts

Protecting India’s fishing villages: Q&A with ‘maptivist’ Saravanan

An expanding frontier: Top 10 global palm oil stories of 2018

Indonesia leans on businesses to do more about plastic waste

As planned excise flops, Indonesia ponders how to give up plastic bags

Ire and ore: Demands grow for clarity around Cambodian gold mine

The ozone layer is still getting thinner, new study finds

RAPP to retire some plantation land in Sumatra amid government pressure

CETA: environmentally friendly trade treaty or corporate Trojan horse?

El Salvador becomes first country to ban metals mining

Nations come together to save Kenya’s disappearing coastal forests

Controversial dams on 5 Chilean rivers scrapped after years of campaign

Logging roads have long-lasting impacts on forests

Hard labor in India’s fisheries: an interview with researcher Divya Karnad

Massive wildfire rips through Congo rainforest – is logging to blame?

DRC announces intent to reopen its rainforests to logging companies

Colombia’s palm oil boom marred by bloody past and violent present

Deforestation and death threats: activist and family threatened in Peru

Cameroon convicts activist campaigning against palm oil company

‘Catastrophic failure’: World’s indigenous communities lack rights to 75% of their land

Pollution from fossil fuels decreased rainfall in Central America

Scandal and intrigue overshadow environment at the Simandou mine in Guinea

Flying under the radar in Central Africa, Chinese companies may be wreaking environmental havoc

Scientific association calls on Nicaragua to scrap its Gran Canal

The Gran Canal: will Nicaragua’s big bet create prosperity or environmental ruin?

Extractive industries and apes

Citizen groups walk out of UN Climate Summit to protest lack of ambition

Could camera trap videos galvanize the world to protect Yasuni from oil drilling?

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