Illegal logging News

1113 stories

New snail subspecies with ‘upside down shell’ found in last green frontier east of Manila

Fueled by impunity, invasions surge in Brazil’s Indigenous lands

Peru prosecutors probe Amazon deforestation linked to Mennonite communities

Chinese demand and domestic instability are wiping out Senegal’s last forests

IPBES report details path to exit current ‘pandemic era’

2020 fires endangering uncontacted Amazon Indigenous groups

Mining covers more than 20% of Indigenous territory in the Amazon

The Amazon savanna? Rainforest teeters on the brink as climate heats up

Forest degradation outpaces deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: Study

Solomon Islands environmental defender faces life sentence for arson charge

‘Tamper with nature, and everyone suffers’: Q&A with ecologist Enric Sala

Under cover of COVID-19, loggers plunder Cambodian wildlife sanctuary

Bleak milestone: 500 major fires detected in Brazilian Amazon this year

Study revealing New Guinea’s plant life ‘first step’ toward protection

New road cutting into Manu Biosphere Reserve in Peruvian Amazon sparks debate, fears and a film

Indigenous best Amazon stewards, but only when property rights assured: Study

More than 260 major, mostly illegal Amazon fires detected since late May

Illegal plant trade, tourism threaten new Philippine flowering herbs

Understaffed and under threat: Paraguay’s park rangers pay the ultimate price

No choice: Why communities in Paraguay are cutting down forests to survive

Double blow to Colombian Amazon and Indigenous groups from armed militants, COVID-19

Marijuana farms expand in Paraguay reserve despite gov’t crackdowns

Investigation links meat giant JBS to Amazon deforestation

Protected areas in Paraguay hit hard by illegal marijuana farming

The U.N.’s grand plan to save forests hasn’t worked, but some still believe it can

Indonesia approves coal road project through forest that hosts tigers, elephants

‘On the edge’: Endangered forest cleared for marijuana in Paraguay

COVID-19 lockdown precipitates deforestation across Asia and South America

EU and partner countries must protect gains in legal timber trade during COVID-19 (commentary)

Ikea using illegally sourced wood from Ukraine, campaigners say

‘Saving sun bears’: Q&A with book author Sarah Pye

Court forces Ecuador government to protect Indigenous Waorani during COVID-19

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