Illegal logging News

1112 stories

Norway bans tropical timber

98% of orangutan habitat gone in next 15 years

Chinese demand drives global deforestation

Logging roads rapidly expanding in Congo rainforest

Can cattle ranchers and soy farmers save the Amazon?

Globalization could save the Amazon rainforest

Mahogany logging threats tribal people, says report

U.S. tropical timber imports fall by half in 2006

Peru makes progress on illegal mahogany logging

China tropical log imports jump at Jiangsu port

Amazon nun-killer sentenced to 30 years in Brazil

Indonesia may import timber due to supply shortage

Better forest policies would reduce illegal logging in the Amazon

Illegal logging in Malaysia due to gangsters

Indonesia urges rich countries to ban illegally logged wood products

China to push for sustainable logging overseas

China’s demand for hardwood drives illegal logging says Greenpeace

Illegal logging threatens Congo’s forests, global climate

Indonesia seeks to increase deforestation rate, already world’s highest

Congo cancels logging contracts

Malaysia to use certification to crack down on illegal logging

Timber industry teams with greens on new anti-illegal logging bill

U.S. stymies attempt to crack down on illegal logging

Largest seizure of illegally logged Amazon rainforest timber announced by authorities

46 arrested for illegal Amazon logging

Tsunami reconstruction drives illegal logging in Indonesia

Saving Orangutans in Borneo

Shippers in Indonesia fight decree on illegal logging

China’s Olmypics may destroy New Guinea’s rainforests

Why is palm oil replacing tropical rainforests?

Environmentalists awarded prestigious prize for grassroots work

Brazil closes down illegal timber operation, seizes wood

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