Green business News

229 stories

Dutch plan restricts biofuels that damage environment

Dutch will demand rainforest-friendly palm oil

Measures to drive adoption of super efficient cars in the U.S.

Palm oil doesn’t have to be bad for the environment

Eco-friendly palm oil could help alleviate poverty in Indonesia

Littering with new plastic might not harm dolphins, sea turtles

Cell phone batteries could be powered by OJ

Plug-in cars could help fuel Austin power grid

Carbon offset schemes damage environment says report

Green construction booms as housing market tanks

Balloon technology could cut cost of solar energy 90% by 2010

Largest firms to cut global warming emissions

HSBC gives Smithsonian $8 million to study global warming impact on forests

$25 million prize to fight global warming

Starbucks, Earthwatch team up to improve eco-friendly coffee

Wal-Mart looks to eliminate non-renewable energy product offerings

California bill would outlaw incandescent lightbulbs to help fight global warming

Savvy environmentalists challenge corporations to go green

Are Brazil nuts really sustainable?

New Zealand implements ‘green timber’ policy

China launches green buying policy

Does green investing pay as well as conventional investing?

How to cut paper waste when printing web sites

Green computing – Dell releases energy-saving server

Eco vacationers engage in cutting-edge environmental research

World Bank says carbon trading will save rainforests

Google worried about global warming?

Brazil proposes compensation plan for rainforest conservation

Hospitals go green

Wells Fargo Makes Largest Corporate Renewable Energy Purchase

California Oil Tax Pits Venture Capitalists Versus Big Oil

Negative messaging not effective for green movement, finds study

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