How to cut paper waste when printing web sites
December 7, 2006
A new service reduces paper waste when printing web sites according to a column by Walt Mossberg in today’s Wall Street Journal.
Mossberg highlights GreenPrint, software that analyzes documents before printing to minimize paper waste.
Mossberg said “Overall, GreenPrint is a good product — a simple solution to an annoying and wasteful problem.”
GreenPrint costs $25 after a 14-day free trial. The price goes to $35 after the holidays.
According to the EPA, in 2003 paper and paperboard accounted for 35 percent of the total materials discarded in the United States, a 29 percent since 2000. However paper waste may be even more wasteful than that. Natural Capitalism, a book written by Paul Hawken, Amory Lovin and L. Hunter Lovin, estimates that one ton of paper requires the use of 98 tons of various resources.
Walt Mossberg’s “How to Eliminate That One-Word Page That Trails a Print Job” ran in the December 7, 2006 issue of The Wall Street Journal