New Zealand implements “green timber” policy
December 19, 2006
New Zealand’s government will only buy timber and wood products only from legally and sustainably managed forests according to a new policy paper put out Monday by the minstry of forestry.
The paper says that illegal logging — especially in the Asia-Pacific region — is hurting New Zealand’s timber insutry, costing it billions of dollars.
“Illegal logging… has attracted increasing international attention over the last ten years and is now a key area of dialogue in international forestry and environmental forums,” said Forestry Minister Jim Anderton in a statement. “There is widespread concern about its linkages to ineffective governance, social conflict, violence and its negative impacts on forest ecosystems and biodiversity. Illegal logging is also a significant economic and trade issue.”
The paper said illegal forestry practices depress world timber prices on average by 7% to 16% and that illegal logging in the Asia-Pacific region amounts to 45% of the recorded total production per year.