Forest destruction News

440 stories

Scientists blame Smokey Bear for making U.S. forests less resilient

World’s largest sovereign wealth fund just dropped 11 companies over deforestation

Some Indigenous groups wary of REDD+ following Paris Climate Agreement

Republic of Congo awards two million hectares of timber concessions

Deforestation and death threats: activist and family threatened in Peru

Gold mining boom threatens communities in Suriname

Gold mining explodes in Suriname, puts forests and people at risk

Reduced Amazon deforestation may be saving thousands of human lives

Conservation groups buy land from 109 coffee farmers, create reserve for rare salamanders

Road creeps into Peru’s Sierra del Divisor as it awaits national park designation

UN study warns agricultural subsidies are threatening forests and conservation programs

Amazon gold rush destroying huge swaths of rainforest

Palawan palm oil presence likely to grow, industry rep denies harmful impact

Advocacy group lashes out against palm oil expansion on Philippine island

Deforestation taking toll on nesting birds in Cameroon

Bamboo could help fight global warming

World’s rarest gorilla gets a new protected home

India plans huge palm oil expansion, puts forests at risk

Scientists use genes, feces to study disappearing monkeys

Dissolving pulp: the threat to Indonesia’s forests you’ve probably never heard of

Next big idea in forest conservation? Quantifying the cost of forest degradation

Zero net deforestation is the wrong target, warn experts

80% of rainforests in Malaysian Borneo logged

Saving ‘Avatar Grove’: the battle to preserve old-growth forests in British Columbia

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