Food News

673 stories

Indigenous communities in Indonesia demand halt to land-grabbing government projects

Photos: Ethiopian farmers blend tradition, innovation to sustain centuries-old agriculture

Sumatran culinary heritage at risk as environment changes around Silk Road river

Fish-tracking robot aims to make fishing more sustainable in developing nations

Small-scale fishers’ role in feeding the planet goes overlooked: Study

Mass salmon deaths hit Scottish farms as government investigates

Unchecked illegal trawling pushes Indonesia’s small-scale fishers to the brink

Indonesia targets 2.3m hectares of protected forests for food & biofuel crop production

Expected ban on Mexican GM corn fetches praise — and worry over imports

Salmon farms under fire on U.S. East Coast after being shuttered on West Coast

Indonesian forestry minister proposes 20m hectares of deforestation for crops

New evidence spells massive trouble for world’s sharks, rays and chimaeras

In DRC bid to grow more food, smallholders are overshadowed by industrial farming

Farmers cleave to sago as mining industry digs deeper in Indonesia’s Maluku

Indonesia risks carbon ‘backfire’ with massive deforestation for sugarcane

Indonesia reforestation plan a smoke screen for agriculture project, critics say

As Thailand’s blue swimming crabs decline, crab banks offer a sustainable solution

Thousands of chemicals from food packaging found in humans, a major study reveals

Overuse of antibiotics in Bangladesh aquaculture raises health concerns

Scottish salmon farms seek growth despite mounting fish deaths and environmental concerns

A Ramsar site in Bangladesh fast loses its fish diversity amid government inaction

Activists fear supercharged ‘business as usual’ under Indonesia’s new president

Smallholders offer mixed reactions to calls for delay in EU deforestation law

More krill fishing and no new protected areas for Antarctic seas after latest talks

Climate change and agrochemicals pose lethal combo for Amazonian fish

Past failures can’t stop Indonesia from clearing forests, Indigenous lands for farms

Clock ticks on Indonesia shark skinners as predator population plunges

Global ‘Slow Food’ movement embraces agroecology (commentary)

World’s biggest deforestation project gets underway in Papua for sugarcane

What will the Brazilian food industry do about plastic packaging?

In Nepal, a humble edible fern is at heart of human-tiger conflict

Crop fields make way for profitable orchards in Bangladesh, imperiling food security

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