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2868 stories

Easter Island's demise caused by rats, Dutch traders says new theory

Amazon deforestation slows in Brazil for 2005

Australian industry embraces green energy while government fights emissions cuts

Rainforests worth $1.1 trillion for carbon alone in Coalition nations

Developing countries: pay us to save rainforests

Exploring freshwater fish habitats in the rainforest of Peru

Nigeria has worst deforestation rate, FAO revises figures

Coral reefs decimated by 2050, Great Barrier Reef’s coral 95% dead

Demise of passenger pigeon linked to Lyme disease

Africa Heats Up — climate change threatens future of the continent

Harvesting tornados as power plants; renewable wind vortex energy

Google, MIT support $100 laptop for the world’s poorest children

Now identified as likely origin of SARS; will bats be killed in China?

First megatransect of Madagascar completed

What is a Category 5 Hurricane?

Ecotourism in the rainforest, a guide to your first visit

Anti-HIV drug from rainforest almost lost before its discovery

Hurricane could hit San Diego

Visiting Croatia; tourists replace soldiers

Medicinal plants explored at Conservatory of Flowers

Personal account of hurricane destruction along Mississippi Gulf Coast

Chernobyl environment and people recovering

Global warming may have triggered worst mass extinction

Dubai’s artificial islands have high environmental cost

Study discovers why poison dart frogs are toxic

Renewable energy in China, a strategic future?

Brazil’s grasslands could replace food production of American heartland

Corporations among largest global economic enterprises

Lemur hunting persists in Madagascar, rare primates fall victim to hunger

Biomimetics, technology that mimics nature

Mobilizing seniors to fight poverty in Africa

Toad on brink of extinction, scientists race to study for bioactive compounds

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