Ethics News

Can loggers be conservationists?

Sawmill in Indonesia. Photo by: Rhett A. Butler. Last year researchers took the first ever publicly-released video of an African golden cat (Profelis aurata) in a Gabon rainforest. This beautiful,…

Values and Sustainability

Intentions matter. This simple wisdom becomes quite apparent the older we become. Though we don't always have control on the outcome of our effort, our intentions often dictate how happy…

How many whales are enough?

How many whales are enough? How many whales are enough? November 29, 2006 Iceland's decision to resume hunting endangered fin whales raises an important question: how many whales are…

Responsible tourism: How to travel ethically

How to travel ethically How to travel ethically: An interview with writer and responsible tourism expert Jeff Greenwald Rhett Butler, November 27, 2006 Ecotourism is hot. Travel companies everywhere…