Environmental law News

2450 stories

Globalization could save the Amazon rainforest

EPA sued for San Francisco Bay Area pesticide use

U.S. responsible for 44% of global warming bill-Oxfam

US tropical hardwood imports fall 24% since 2002

Peru makes progress on illegal mahogany logging

Calpine may benefit from global warming limits

Top ten threatened species named by WWF

Amazon nun-killer sentenced to 30 years in Brazil

California sues Bush administration over fuel standards

South Korea fishermen cheat on whale killing

Cuddly slow loris threatened by the pet trade

Deal to end destructive bottom trawling reached

Indonesia may import timber due to supply shortage

Better forest policies would reduce illegal logging in the Amazon

Legal ruling may put endangered species at greater risk

‘Reign of terror’ over Fish and Wildlife Service ends with resignation

Chinese traffic restrictions rapidly result in cleaner air

Chevron shareholders may be liable for billions in environmental damages

To fight warming, Canada will ban incandescent light bulbs by 2012

Illegal logging in Malaysia due to gangsters

Indonesia urges rich countries to ban illegally logged wood products

China to push for sustainable logging overseas

Brazil splits environmental agency to fast-track development projects

Timber industry teams with greens on new anti-illegal logging bill

Impact of new forest law in India unknown

Paraguay extends deforestation law that has cut forest loss by 85%

Bush administration sued for failure to protect sea otter

New Zealand implements ‘green timber’ policy

China launches green buying policy

Supreme Court to decide on global warming issue

Anti-poaching patrols paying off for safari wildlife in Tanzania

Largest seizure of illegally logged Amazon rainforest timber announced by authorities

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