Endangered species News

4341 stories

Rarest leopardess brutally killed in Russia

Less than 35 Amur leopard remain in the wild

New bird species discovered in the South Pacific

Neon green gecko key to preventing Mauritian plant extinction

Bad news for frogs; amphibian decline worse than feared

Protected areas must be adapted to survive global warming

Global warming could hurt salmon fisheries in Pacific Northwest

Congo forest elephants declining from logging roads, illegal ivory

The news of extinction: western media’s response to the demise of the Baiji

Overfishing of sharks causing shellfish decline

U.S. government seeks to weaken Endangered Species Act

Climate change will cause biomes to shift and disappear

Extinction, like climate change, is complicated

20 species of grouper fish are endangered

Bush administration seeks to cull Endangered Species Act

Invasive predators more harmful to biodiversity than native predators

Ivory-billed Woodpecker sighting may be a mistake

New cat species discovered in Borneo

Biodiversity extinction crisis looms says renowned biologist

Bush administration issues gag order on polar bear discussions

World’s bluest lizard headed toward extinction?

Cheetah in Iran?

Elephant poaching for ivory accelerates

Pakistani snow leopard settles in at Bronx Zoo

High fashion driving conservation efforts of rare species?

New monkey species in Uganda

Robots aid in search for Ivory-billed woodpecker

Salamander diversity tied to elevation in the tropics

98% of orangutan habitat in Borneo, Sumatra gone by 2022

Rare vulture colony found in Cambodia

Just how bad is the biodiversity extinction crisis?

Bush administration says polar bears under threat

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