Endangered species News

4466 stories

World’s rarest gorilla gets its own forest reserve

New expedition seeks evidence for survival of the ‘extinct’ Baiji

Saving the world’s most recently discovered cat species in Borneo

First wolves killed in Wyoming after species loses ESA protection

No global warming link to dying frogs?

Ecosystems in the Philippines bounce back from the brink

Illegal wildlife trade worth $20B/yr

Rwanda launches reforestation project to protect chimps, drive ecotourism

New bird species discovered in Indonesia

India has 1400 tigers — not 3500

Predator of the world’s largest macaw key to its survival

Rare jewel-colored frog rediscovered in Colombia

Photos of rare pygmy hippo in Liberia

Half of Madagascar’s amphibians may still await discovery

Can snow leopards be saved?

Feds flood the Grand Canyon to save endangered fish

Fewer wolves may mean fewer pronghorn in Yellowstone

Rare frog breeds in captivity for the first time

Saving forgotten species: An interview with Carly Waterman, Program Coordinator of EDGE

Web site offers homepage for every one of Earth’s species

A Doomsday Vault for Frogs?

$100 billion worth of carbon released from deforestation in Riau, Sumatra

Aye-aye diverged from other lemurs 66M years ago

Rainforest logging threatens endangered sea turtles

Widespread butterflyfish may go extinct due to global warming, pollution

Amazon state launches Zero Extinction Program for endangered species

84 rare spoon-billed sandpipers found in Myanmar

5,000 mile-long tiger corridor proposed

Sumatran tiger faces extinction due to wildlife trade

First photos of face-to-face mating by gorillas in the wild

Paper packaging devours south-eastern forests in the US

Madagascar’s tortoises at high risk of extinction in the wild

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