Ecosystems News

459 stories

In the clash over Dutch farming, Europe’s future arrives

In the Netherlands, pitchforks fly for an empire of cows

How manure blew up the Netherlands

In Mexico’s Holbox, a natural paradise suffers from its own popularity

Conservationists work to restore last remnant of a once-great Ugandan forest

Communities not the true threat to Mabira Forest: Q&A with Ugandan conservationist Achilles Byaruhanga

Oil and gas exploration threatens Bolivian Chaco water supply

In the chain of species extinctions, AI can predict the next link to break

From debt to diversity: A journey of rewilding, carbon capture and hope

Machine learning helps researchers identify underground fungal networks

Drought cycles erode tropics’ ability to absorb CO₂, study finds

Scientists: Fishing boats compete with whales and penguins for Antarctic krill

Sharks deserve our appreciation and protection (commentary)

Timber harvests to meet global wood demand will bring soaring emissions: Study

S. Africa to purge bird-eating mice from key albatross breeding island

Tested by COVID and war, an Indigenous conservation system in Ethiopia prevails

Air pollution sensors found to store crucial biodiversity data

Volunteers, First Nations work to bring back a disappearing oak prairie

A powerful U.S. political family is behind a copper mine in the Colombian rainforest

China’s Qinghai-Tibet ecosystem legislation is a landmark, but for whom? (commentary)

Award-winning community group in Sumatra cleans up lake

Woodpeckers for fire recovery? A new online tool tells you how

Forest behind bars: Logging network operating out of Cambodian prison in the Cardamoms

Don’t destroy Earth on the way to Mars (commentary)

Fewer migratory birds stopping at key Bangladesh wetland amid human disturbances

Spamming streams with hatchery salmon can disrupt ecosystems, study finds

Hawaiian communities restore Indigenous conservation, from mountains to sea

Colombia: Scientists explore remote seamounts to protect hammerhead sharks

Saving forests to protect coastal ecosystems: Japan sets historic example

Kelp forests contribute $500 billion to global economy, study shows

A mountain of gold: Mining titles threaten Indigenous lands in Guainía, Colombia

Home to rare corals, a Chilean fjord declines in spite of protection

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