Earth science News

578 stories

Melting permafrost will be major driver of global warming

Past decade is warmest in at least 1300 years

Could hurricane Gustav be stopped or diverted?

Sea ice extent falls to second lowest on record

Smoke from Amazon fires reduces local rainfall

Global warming increases “extreme” rain storms

NASA study shows global warming will diminish rainfall in East Africa, worsening hunger

Deepest-ever lake dive searches for new energy sources

Shell Oil funds “open source” geoengineering project to fight global warming

U.S. should merge NOAA, USGS to form national Environmental Agency

Geology, climate links make Guiana Shield region particularly sensitive to change

Unlocking the potential of forests to limit climate change

Carbon dioxide levels at highest level in 800,000 years

Global warming will produce fewer hurricanes

NASA study links changes in Earth’s systems to global warming

Global warming to worsen ocean dead zones, hurt fisheries

No longer a fan of Earth Day

Earth’s minerals kept CO2 levels in balance prior to humans

Ozone-hole recovery may spur Antarctic warming

Geoengineering solution to global warming could destroy the ozone layer

Sunshine worsens Arctic sea ice melt

Black carbon pollution has big impact on climate

How Old Is the Grand Canyon?

Cretaceous sea levels were 550 feet higher than today

Tsunami alert lifted after strong earthquake in Indonesia

Amazon rainfall linked to Atlantic Ocean temperature

Large-scale Amazon deforestation or drying would have dire global consequences

Planktos kills iron fertilization project due to environmental opposition

Why are oceans at risk from global warming?

How will global warming affect marine food chains?

Lake Mead could be dry up by 2021

Natural ocean thermostat may protect some coral reefs

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