Deserts News

64 stories

Lake Chad isn’t shrinking — but climate change is causing other problems

Easy to catch, yet little known: Meet the Chinese mountain cat

Rio Tinto-linked mine still not fulfilling promises to Mongolian herders

Traditional Aboriginal fire practices can help promote plant diversity: Study

Shining a spotlight on the wide-roaming sand cat ‘king of the desert’

Apache tribe decry loss of sacred site to massive copper mine at both court and the U.N.

Amid global mezcal craze, scientists and communities try out sustainable plantations

Climate change hits northern Mexico, as officials look to solve water crisis

Why Russia should not win the bid for Bolivia’s lithium (commentary)

Can wonder plant spekboom really bring smiles back to sad South African towns?

Release the cats: Training native species to fear invasive predators

Getting African grasslands right, for people and wildlife alike: Q&A with Susanne Vetter

Mali’s centuries-old pastoralist traditions wilt as the climate changes

For Kenyan farmers, organic fertilizer bokashi brings the land back to life

Mexico devises revolutionary method to reverse semiarid land degradation

On the Mongolian steppe, conservation science meets traditional knowledge

Humanity’s challenge of the century: Conserving Earth’s freshwater systems

Heat stress is causing desert bird populations to collapse

Africa’s largest reserve may lose half its area to oil development

Leopards get a $20m boost from Panthera pact with Saudi prince

Those kicks were fast as lightning: Kangaroo rats evade deadly snake strikes

Chile renews contract with lithium company criticized for damaging wetland

Colombia: Dying of thirst, Wayuu blame mine, dam, drought for water woes

For India’s black-necked cranes, dogs are a major threat

Earth has more trees now than 35 years ago

Wildlife decimated by the surge in conflicts in the Sahara and the Sahel

African Parks to manage gorges, rock art and crocodiles of Chad’s Ennedi

Power lines killing the last remaining Great Indian Bustards in India

Study maps out reptiles’ ranges, completing the ‘atlas of life’

Healthy soils can boost food security and climate resilience for millions (commentary)

Elusive seabird breeding grounds discovered in Chilean desert

Drylands greener with forests than previously thought

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