Deforestation News

6686 stories

Europe’s largest tropical rainforest invaded by gold miners

Time is running out for French Guiana’s rainforests

New Zealand implements ‘green timber’ policy

President Museveni needs to do what’s best for Uganda

President Museveni again moves against Uganda’s forests

Logging roads lead to disease, social breakdown in Ecuador rainforest communities

Sugar cane plantation threatens rare forest in Uganda

Fragmentation killing species in the Amazon rainforest

As presidential election approaches, Madagascar’s lemur sanctuary burns

Indonesia may seek rainforest conservation compensation to fight global warming

U.S. stymies attempt to crack down on illegal logging

New study confirms continuing forest loss in most countries

Billion tree campaign launched in Nairobi

Southeast Asian nations propose haze fund, but fail to address root cause

Mining in Venezuelan Amazon threatens biodiversity, indigenous people

Fires in Indonesia kill 1,000 endangered orangutans

Sri Lanka’s rainforests fast-disappearing but hope remains

Is Indonesia the third largest greenhouse gas polluter?

Avoided deforestation could send $38 billion to third world under global warming pact

Indians are key to rainforest conservation efforts says renowned ethnobotanist

Amazon deforestation rate plunges 41 percent

Rain bring haze reprieve in Indonesia, Singapore

Brazil claims soy and beef not responsible for Amazon deforestation

World Bank says carbon trading will save rainforests

Global warming could cause catastrophic die-off of Amazon rainforest by 2080

Brazil says no to rainforest privatization plan, asks Gore for help

Rainforests face myriad of threats says leading Amazon scholar

Malaysia adopts new remote sensing technology to detect illegal forest burning

Brazil proposes compensation plan for rainforest conservation

China needs 5 million cubic meters more of tropical timber by 2010

Forest fires result from government failure in Indonesia

Borneo and Sumatra burn as forest fires rage

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