Crops News

84 stories

Forests & finance: Setbacks for a rare bat, and progress for an oil pipeline

Pollinator declines linked to half million early human deaths annually: Study

Changing circumstances turn ‘sustainable communities’ into deforestation drivers: Study

To get young Filipinos into farming, initiatives reach them via TikTok, school

Biofertilizers cut costs and GHG emissions for Brazilian soybean producers

On the frontlines of drought, communities in Mexico strive to save every drop of water

Lack of finance prevents Bangladesh farmers from diversifying their rice crops

High tech early warning system could curb next South African locust swarms

Building a farmer-friendly future: Q&A with CROWDE’s Yohanes Sugihtonugroho

Climate change puts Bangladeshi farmers’ reliance on rice varieties to the test

A return to agroecology traditions points the way forward for Malawi’s farmers

In oil palm-dominated Malaysia, agroforestry orchards are oases of bird life: Study

Small farmers take a stand for one of Dakar’s last urban woodlands

Opium production down as communities in Mexico’s Golden Triangle turn to forestry

World’s biggest tropical crop bank opens in Colombia, taking food research high tech

Brazil’s agroforestry farmers report many benefits, but challenges remain

Pay or punish? Study looks at how to engage with farmers deforesting the Cerrado

DRC’s cacao boom leaves a bitter aftertaste for Congo Basin forest

On agrobiodiversity, the Andes can teach the world much about crop conservation (commentary)

As climate-driven drought slams farms in U.S. West, water solutions loom

Brazil farming co-op carves a sustainable path through agribusiness stronghold

In Peruvian Andes, ancient crops hold promise for a climate-blighted future

In Kenya, push-pull method tries to debug organic farming’s pest problem

Amazon, meet Amazon: Tech giant rolls out rainforest carbon offset project

Old and new solutions pave way to net-zero emissions farming, studies show

Study puts 2050 deadline on tipping point for Mekong Delta salinity

Coffee sustainability check: Q&A with Sjoerd Panhuysen of Coffee Barometer report

Can ‘Slow Food’ save Brazil’s fast-vanishing Cerrado savanna?

‘What’s at stake is the life of every being’: Saving the Brazilian Cerrado

6% of Earth’s protected land is used to grow crops, study finds

Through war, wildfire and pandemic, the world’s seed vaults hold strong

Indonesia’s food estate program eyes new plantations in forest frontiers

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