Community development News

459 stories

Jokowi grants first-ever indigenous land rights to 9 communities

Study looks at positive and negative impacts of biodiversity offsets on local communities

Study maps 187 land conflicts as palm oil expands in Kalimantan

Don’t feed the orangutans — a warning unheeded at popular ecotourism stop

Mother Nature and a hydropower onslaught aren’t the Mekong Delta’s only problems

Program targets food security concerns among Panama’s indigenous women

PHOTOS: Panama begins “test-flooding” dam over indigenous protests

PHOTOS: Panama revives stalled dam over strong indigenous opposition

Can helping women achieve financial freedom help the environment, too?

Making a living inside a reserve: an interview with village head Zou Huagang

Can China’s first private nature reserve become truly sustainable?

Chinese villagers turn from logging to forest patrols, bees, and fish

China’s Wanglang panda reserve, once an ecotourism model, faces new threats

Community plants green shoots of hope in the land of the lost Javan tiger

Land rights and access to credit in Sulawesi community brings prosperity to land

A Borneo village maps its land to protect against encroachers

Bali’s mountain dwellers govern with ancient palm leaf treatises

The indigenous community whose forest is their supermarket

Advances from oil palm interests leave Sulawesi village unmoved

Punk rocker likes what he sees in Sumatra’s resin forest

In the shadow of a metropolis, a community revives Java’s lost forests

A village in Borneo turns away from palm oil

After the tsunami, a forest restored along a river in Aceh

Could canned fish soup stop government-community conflict in Sumatra?

A Dayak village campaigns for rights to its forests

Lombok’s blooming community forest bears fruit and raises livelihoods – and haj trips

From conflict to partnership, a Kalimantan community and logging company manage the forest together

Agrarian settlements causing massive deforestation in Brazil: ‘Much more damage may be done’

Common ground: balancing rights and responsibilities for natural resource investments and community development

$7 million could save lemurs from extinction

Next big idea in forest conservation? Rewards for reforestation

Next big idea in forest conservation? The ‘double-edged sword’ of democracy

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