Climate change and coral reefs News

210 stories

A global coral reef monitoring system is coming soon

Australia to invest $379 million to protect the Great Barrier Reef

Corals thrive on remotest islands in the Galápagos

Mesoamerican Reef gets improving bill of health

Reef bleaching five times more frequent now than in the 1980s, study finds

Reefscape: A global reef survey to build better satellites for coral conservation

Brazil / UK push offshore oil pact, a potential climate change disaster

Imperiled treasure: A coral reef called Varadero (commentary)

Capturing the wonder and vulnerability of coral reefs in real-time: Q & A with the director of “Chasing Coral”

Critically endangered staghorn corals are benefiting from coral gardening in the Caribbean

Climate change-induced bleaching decimating Great Barrier Reef

First-ever underwater photos of newly discovered Amazon Reef have surfaced

Top climate stories to watch in 2017

2016’s top 10 developments for the world’s oceans

Great Barrier Reef suffered worst coral die-off on record in 2016: new study

Rising sea levels could actually help coral reefs survive global warming: Study

Watch how corals ‘violently’ bleach as sea temperatures rise

Climate change pledges not nearly enough to save tropical ecosystems

Widespread coral bleaching event to hit US hard for third straight year

Top 10 stories you should be aware of this World Oceans Day, according to Carl Safina

Saving reef fish from the impacts of a hit film

Biodiversity makes reef fish more resilient in the face of climate change, research confirms

Scientists just discovered an Amazon reef system in an area targeted for oil exploration

Last best place on earth: Who will save the Caribbean’s great coral reef?

The longest global coral bleaching event in history isn’t over yet

Massive bleaching event puts world’s coral reefs at risk

Good news! Some corals show surprising resilience to ocean acidification

Human impacts are ‘decoupling’ coral reef ecosystems

Corals thriving despite acidified conditions in remote Pacific bay

Protected forests linked to healthy coral reefs in Fiji

Scientists discover a new coral in the French Polynesia

Sea and storm: coastal habitats offer strongest defense

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