Carbon News

274 stories

Can ‘Slow Food’ save Brazil’s fast-vanishing Cerrado savanna?

Oil palm growers’ misdeeds allow an opportunity to save West Papua’s forests

Dutch to limit forest biomass subsidies, possibly signaling EU sea change

Big dream: NGO leads in creating 1,615-mile Amazon-Cerrado river greenbelt

500+ experts call on world’s nations to not burn forests to make energy

‘What’s at stake is the life of every being’: Saving the Brazilian Cerrado

Will new US EPA head continue his opposition to burning forests for energy?

New study warns that sea levels will rise faster than expected

Amazon is on the brink of turning into a carbon source, study warns

Critical temperature threshold spells shorter lives for tropical trees

New rule puts Indonesia’s protected forests up for grabs for agribusiness

Hotter tropics may worsen climate change, reforestation could lessen it: Studies

‘Off the chart’: CO2 from California fires dwarf state’s fossil fuel emissions

Experts question integrity of Indonesia’s claim of avoided deforestation

Paper giant APP linked to Indonesia peat clearing despite sustainability vow

Are forests the new coal? Global alarm sounds as biomass burning surges

In the Scottish moorlands, plots planted with trees stored less carbon than untouched lands: Study

Burning down the house? Enviva’s giant U.S. wood pellet plants gear up

COVID-19 may worsen burning and haze as Indonesia enters dry season

China and EU appetite for soy drives Brazilian deforestation, climate change: Study

British Columbia poised to lose ‘white rhino of old growth forests’

Palm oil from Indonesian grower that burned forest is still being sold

Indonesia to receive $56m payment from Norway for reducing deforestation

Scientists warn U.S. Congress against declaring biomass burning carbon neutral

Indonesia won’t ‘sacrifice economy’ for more ambitious emissions cuts

Watchdogs lament palm oil giant Wilmar’s exit from forest conservation alliance

Arctic permafrost moving toward crisis, abrupt thaw a growing risk: Studies

Tropical forests may flip into carbon sources sooner than feared, study finds

Climate fix? ‘Fertilizing’ oceans with iron unlikely to sequester more carbon

Escalating firestorms could turn Amazon from carbon sink to source: Study

Carbon uptake slower than expected in Amazon secondary forest: Study

Success of Microsoft’s ‘moonshot’ climate pledge hinges on forest conservation

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