Carbon News

259 stories

Are forests the new coal? Global alarm sounds as biomass burning surges

In the Scottish moorlands, plots planted with trees stored less carbon than untouched lands: Study

Burning down the house? Enviva’s giant U.S. wood pellet plants gear up

COVID-19 may worsen burning and haze as Indonesia enters dry season

China and EU appetite for soy drives Brazilian deforestation, climate change: Study

British Columbia poised to lose ‘white rhino of old growth forests’

Palm oil from Indonesian grower that burned forest is still being sold

Indonesia to receive $56m payment from Norway for reducing deforestation

Scientists warn U.S. Congress against declaring biomass burning carbon neutral

Indonesia won’t ‘sacrifice economy’ for more ambitious emissions cuts

Watchdogs lament palm oil giant Wilmar’s exit from forest conservation alliance

Arctic permafrost moving toward crisis, abrupt thaw a growing risk: Studies

Tropical forests may flip into carbon sources sooner than feared, study finds

Climate fix? ‘Fertilizing’ oceans with iron unlikely to sequester more carbon

Escalating firestorms could turn Amazon from carbon sink to source: Study

Carbon uptake slower than expected in Amazon secondary forest: Study

Success of Microsoft’s ‘moonshot’ climate pledge hinges on forest conservation

Paris accord ‘impossible to implement’ if tropical forest loss not stopped

COP25: EU officials say biomass burning policy to come under critical review

COP25: Wood pellet CEO claims biomass carbon neutrality, despite science

Indonesian dam raises questions about UN hydropower carbon loophole

Hopes dim as COP25 delegates dicker over Article 6 and world burns: critics

Paper and fast fashion fan the flames burning Indonesia’s peat: Report

COP25 may put climate at greater risk by failing to address forests

Indonesia ‘must stop building new coal plants by 2020’ to meet climate goals

UN and policymakers, wake up! Burning trees for energy is not carbon neutral (commentary)

Japan builds coal plants abroad that wouldn’t be allowed at home: Report

Indonesia forest-clearing ban is made permanent, but labeled ‘propaganda’

Indonesia’s president signals a transition away from coal power

‘Dangerous’ new regulation puts Indonesia’s carbon-rich peatlands at risk

Two studies provide dueling looks at where trees should go

Study: Vast swaths of lost tropical forest can still be brought back to life

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