Carbon sequestration News

664 stories

Hotter tropics may worsen climate change, reforestation could lessen it: Studies

New study shows where we should grow more forest to fight climate change

Are forests the new coal? Global alarm sounds as biomass burning surges

Harvard’s half-billion land stake in Brazil marred by conflict and abuse

In the Scottish moorlands, plots planted with trees stored less carbon than untouched lands: Study

Burning down the house? Enviva’s giant U.S. wood pellet plants gear up

China and EU appetite for soy drives Brazilian deforestation, climate change: Study

British Columbia poised to lose ‘white rhino of old growth forests’

Economists put a price tag on living whales in Brazil: $82 billion

Scientists warn U.S. Congress against declaring biomass burning carbon neutral

Large indigenous territories are necessary for culture and biodiversity in Brazil, study says

Arctic permafrost moving toward crisis, abrupt thaw a growing risk: Studies

US economy will take biggest hit if we continue with business as usual: report

Tropical forests may flip into carbon sources sooner than feared, study finds

Climate fix? ‘Fertilizing’ oceans with iron unlikely to sequester more carbon

Economists, conservationists, political leaders urge adoption of carbon tax to halt tropical deforestation

Escalating firestorms could turn Amazon from carbon sink to source: Study

Carbon uptake slower than expected in Amazon secondary forest: Study

Success of Microsoft’s ‘moonshot’ climate pledge hinges on forest conservation

2019: The year rainforests burned

‘The tipping point is here, it is now,’ top Amazon scientists warn

Paris accord ‘impossible to implement’ if tropical forest loss not stopped

COP25: EU officials say biomass burning policy to come under critical review

COP25: Wood pellet CEO claims biomass carbon neutrality, despite science

Hopes dim as COP25 delegates dicker over Article 6 and world burns: critics

COP25 may put climate at greater risk by failing to address forests

Carbon emissions from loss of intact tropical forest a ‘ticking time bomb’

Nature-based climate action no longer ‘the forgotten solution’

UN and policymakers, wake up! Burning trees for energy is not carbon neutral (commentary)

Two studies provide dueling looks at where trees should go

Study: Vast swaths of lost tropical forest can still be brought back to life

Amazon REDD+ scheme side-steps land rights to reward small forest producers

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