Birds News

1282 stories

Robots aid in search for Ivory-billed woodpecker

Rare giant bat eats night-flying birds

Rare vulture colony found in Cambodia

13% of Florida’s whooping cranes killed in weekend storms

‘Happy Feet’ penguins declining fast in the Falklands

City life causes song birds to change their tune

Migratory species threatened by global warming

Global warming could doom many bird species

Cambodia sets aside land for endangered bird

Pet trade and habitat loss decimating wild macaw populations

Common wood duck and laughing gull could transmit bird flu in America

Photo of new bird species discovered in Colombia

New bird species discovered in Colombia

Albatrosses at risk due to fishing

Not extinct? Ivory-billed Woodpecker may live in Florida

NASA helps search for “extinct” woodpecker

DDT linked to smaller brains in birds

Birds Face Extinction Risk Due To Human Activities

1250 bird species may be extinct by 2100

Avian Flu Threat to Biological Diversity

Good-looking birds more immune against bird flu

Pictures of new species discovered in New Guinea

Redheads top the pecking order by flaunting it

Making wind power less deadly for birds

Toucan Beaks Are Models Of Lightweight Strength says UCSD engineer

Bird songs can serve as a warning system to detect ecological disturbances

Demise of passenger pigeon linked to Lyme disease

Exotic pet trade controls needed to fight bird flu says Greenpeace

Climate change to affect migratory birds and animals

Birds and Bats Responsible for Seed Dispersal in Tropical Forests

New York City to dim lights to protect migrating birds

Avian flu, H5N1, identified in wild Mongolian birds

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