Biodiversity crisis News

736 stories

The Pope, a prince and a judge walk into a bar…to argue for nature’s rights (commentary)

In the Honduran Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve, an illegal road for cattle and drugs

New paper urges shift to ‘nature positivity’ to restore Earth

‘Profound ignorance’: Microbes, a missing piece in the biodiversity puzzle

Momentum is building for a ‘robust’ biodiversity framework: Q&A with Elizabeth Mrema

New map shows where the 80% of species we don’t know about may be hiding

The nine boundaries humanity must respect to keep the planet habitable

Turtle conservation hits the SPOT in North Cyprus

U.N. report lays out blueprint to end ‘suicidal war on nature’

Cat corridors between protected areas is key to survival of Cerrado’s jaguars

New approaches needed to protect biodiversity as Aichi Targets go unmet

‘Race against time’: Saving the snakes and lizards of Brazil’s Cerrado

Humanity’s ‘ecological Ponzi scheme’ sets up bleak future, scientists warn

Crimefighting NGO tracks Brazil wildlife trade on WhatsApp and Facebook

One Health: A necessary blend of biodiversity and human health goals (commentary)

One year on: Insects still in peril as world struggles with global pandemic

Lemurs might never recover from COVID-19 (commentary)

IPBES report details path to exit current ‘pandemic era’

With a drastic decline in tropical fruit, Gabon’s rainforest mega-gardeners go hungry

David Attenborough’s ‘witness statement’ for the planet (commentary)

Ambitious and holistic goals key to saving Earth’s biodiversity, study says

At-risk Cerrado mammals need fully-protected parks to survive: Researchers

We’re not protecting enough of the right areas to save biodiversity: Study

We are failing to save the planet’s species, finds UN report

For European chemical giants, Brazil is an open market for toxic pesticides banned at home

Global wildlife being decimated by human actions, WWF report warns

Is Chinese investment driving a sharp increase in jaguar poaching?

Traversing Russia’s remote taiga in pursuit of the Blakiston’s fish owl

The Large-antlered muntjac — Southeast Asia’s mystery deer (Commentary)

Brazilian Amazon drained of millions of wild animals by criminal networks: Report

38 endangered Brazilian tree species legally traded, poorly tracked: Study

Amazon river dolphin risks extinction if Brazil moratorium not renewed

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