Bioacoustics News

53 stories

The rhino in the room: 3D scan brings near-extinct Sumatran species to virtual life

Don’t cross this tiger mom: Close encounter in Russia’s Far East

Spiny lobsters raise an undersea racket that can be heard miles away

Listening to marine mammals is helping scientists understand Arctic impacts of climate change

Canaries in the coal mine? North Atlantic right whale use of key habitat changing rapidly

How bioacoustics can transform conservation – Wildtech event in Palo Alto

Researchers discover right whales singing for the first time ever

Tiny tracking tags help decode how echolocating bats navigate

Recently discovered Brazilian river dolphin’s calls could help us understand evolution of marine mammal communication

How do you assess if a reintroduced species is thriving? Listen for it

Eavesdrop on forest sounds to effectively monitor biodiversity, researchers say

10 ways conservation tech shifted into auto in 2018

A monitoring network in the Amazon captures a flood of data

Pod-cast: New app streams whale songs for web users in real time

How porpoise sounds helped researchers test acoustic devices

First record of ultrasound communication in the mysterious Sunda colugo

DJ and ornithologists create wildlife music game

‘AudioMoth’ device aims to deliver low-cost, power-efficient monitoring of remote landscapes

When a rhino calls in the forest, this guy hears it: Q&A with a Javan rhino researcher

Mexico takes ‘unprecedented’ action to save vaquita

Scientists learn to listen when it comes to assessing rainforest health

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