Australia News

449 stories

Australia opens vast swaths of famed marine parks to fishing

New thumbnail-sized pygmy squid discovered in Australia

DJ and ornithologists create wildlife music game

Coral reef monitoring takes to the skies: drone-mounted hyperspectral cameras help scientists assess health of coral reefs

Webs under water: The really bizarre lives of intertidal spiders

Drones enable fast, accurate wildlife counts, study shows

New population of extremely rare ‘red handfish’ discovered off Tasmania

Tree-dwelling animals can ‘climb’ away from climate change, study finds

For Australia’s fire-starting falcons, pyromania serves up the prey

As nesting beaches warm, sea turtle populations are turning female–how scientists found out

Global warming, pollution supersize the oceans’ oxygen-depleted dead zones

Reef bleaching five times more frequent now than in the 1980s, study finds

Rainforests: the year in review 2017

The world’s newest great ape, revealed a month ago, is already nearly extinct: IUCN

COP23: U.S., wealthy nations curtail climate aid for developing world

Trending tree cover loss spikes again in Queensland

Capturing the wonder and vulnerability of coral reefs in real-time: Q & A with the director of “Chasing Coral”

Meet the new giant sunfish that has evaded scientists for centuries

Australian spider named for world champion surfer

Thylacine survey: Are we going to rediscover the ‘moonlight tiger’?

50 new spiders discovered in Australia

The meat hook: satiating Asia’s demand for beef

Meet the winners of the 2017 Goldman Environmental Prize

Catching up to the Ruby Seadragon: new species raises new questions

Drones and artificial intelligence image processing improving the ‘koality’ of wildlife monitoring

Climate change-induced bleaching decimating Great Barrier Reef

Breakthrough boosts hope for treating contagious cancer in Tasmanian devils

Cars and STDs killing koalas in Queensland

Feral cats now dominate the Australian landscape

Saving fairy possums could imperil other Australian wildlife

A Thai oil firm, Indonesian seaweed farmers and Australian regulators. What happened after the Montara oil spill?

Exotic populations hold hope for internationally traded endangered species

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