Australia News

449 stories

Efforts to tackle shark fin trade need to focus closer to shore, study says

A mountain of a reef, taller than the Eiffel Tower, found on Great Barrier Reef

With its mining boom past, Australia deals with the job of cleaning up

Scientists urge reassessment of threatened species after Australian bushfires

Bubbles, lasers and robo-bees: The blossoming industry of artificial pollination

As reef bleaching intensifies, lab-grown corals could help beat the heat

New study quantifies impact of hunting on migratory shorebird populations

The first modern-day marine fish has officially gone extinct. More may follow

World Rainforest Day: The world’s great rainforests

Coral reef loss helps some fish grow bigger, but perhaps not for long

An armada of turtles, caught on drone cam, flocks to the Great Barrier Reef

Taylor and Tate: Canine-human teams rescue Australia’s fire-ravaged koalas

‘New’ footage released of the last Tasmanian tiger

Tech made to find galaxies sets its sights on wildfires

Australia’s logging ‘madness’ fuels more fires, hastens ecosystem collapse

Climate change makes some fish smaller, and others bigger, study finds

Ocean deoxygenation could be silently killing coral reefs, scientists say

Great Barrier Reef suffers biggest bleaching event yet

Koalas vs climate change: Q&A with John Zichy-Woinarski

Overworked, underpaid and lonely: Conservationists find a new community online

How to help koalas recover after Australia’s fires? Q&A with Rebecca Montague-Drake

How are koalas doing in the aftermath of the Australian fires? Q&A with Cheyne Flanagan

Fallout: Threatened species in Australia continue to struggle after fires

Fire in Australia is a symptom of a degraded ecosystem (commentary)

Plastic trash kills half a million hermit crabs on remote islands each year

Severe drought and other climate impacts are driving the platypus towards extinction

Cost-effective conservation: Study identifies key ‘umbrella’ species

Photos: Top 15 new species of 2019

COP25: Self-serving G20 spites youth, humanity, world at climate talks

Protecting living corals could help defend the Great Barrier Reef from ocean acidification for decades

Indigenous-wildlife ranger collaboration conserves rare Australian rainforests

New grouper species discovered in Australian fish market

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