Arctic News

205 stories

The Arctic and climate change (1979 – 2019): What the ice record tells us

2019 in line for second lowest Arctic sea ice extent record

Protecting Antarctica beyond 2041: an interview with polar explorer Robert Swan

Arctic in free fall: 2019 sea ice volume sinks to near record for June

Arctic sea ice extent just hit a record low for early June; worse may come

Arctic in trouble: Sea ice melt falls to record lows for early April

As Arctic neared 2019 winter max, Bering Sea was virtually ice-free

Camera traps and customary wisdom help redefine bear conservation

Shorebirds can no longer count on the Arctic as a safe haven for rearing their young

Whales not enough sustenance for polar bears in fast-changing climate

Agreement bans commercial fishing across much of the Arctic, for now

Dress like a polar bear: learning to love muskoxen at 15 below zero

Taking it slow can help reduce impacts of Arctic shipping on whales (commentary)

The Arctic’s oldest, thickest ice is breaking up

A warmer climate tinkers with Arctic spider’s choice of prey

Red flags abound as a warming Arctic opens up to shipping

Species evolve more than twice as fast at poles as in tropics: study

Cool birds don’t sing: Study automates acoustic monitoring of songbird migration

2018 Arctic sea ice melt season just got a big headstart

Audio: Bowhead whales in the Arctic sing hundreds of complex songs

Beyond polar bears: Arctic animals share in vulnerable climate future

Muskox and other Arctic mammals are feeling the heat of climate change

2017’s top 10 ocean news stories

At 2017 minimum, scientists ask: Is Arctic entering the Thin Ice Age?

Spot the pattern: Whisker-prints and citizen science

Canary in the Arctic coal mine: warming harms migrating red knot

From cryosphere to blogosphere, sea ice enthusiasts track Arctic melt

As Arctic sea ice shows record decline, scientists prepare to go blind

Microalgae genes help them adapt to harsh oceans, other species less lucky

Top 10 HAPPY environmental stories of 2016

Sea ice extent tumbles around both poles in November

400-year-old Greenland shark might be oldest vertebrate on Earth

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