Archive News

1853 stories

Hope and peace: Bison return to the Rosebud reservation

Dolphins face growing pressure as development eats into Borneo’s interior

‘Turning fear into strength’: One woman’s struggle for justice and land rights in Sulawesi

The promise of ‘bird-friendly’ cities: Q&A with author Timothy Beatley

Inside the weaving protests of West Timor

The women of Kendeng set their feet in cement to stop a mine in their lands. This is their story.

Honoring children and protecting the planet: An interview with musician Raffi

Philanthropist Wendy Schmidt: ‘Solutions are always local’

Amazon botanist Sir Ghillean Prance: ‘The environmental crisis is a moral one’

Colombia, ethnobotany, and America’s decline: An interview with Wade Davis

In Uganda, safeguarding chimpanzees against the scourge of snaring

Gorongosa National Park is being reforested via coffee and agroforestry

Diary of a top environmental journalist and bad traveler: Q&A with Jeremy Hance

Protect Indigenous People’s rights to avoid a sixth extinction (commentary)

Exploring the history of the Amazon and its peoples: an interview with John Hemming

Biologists warn ‘extinction denial’ is the latest anti-science conspiracy theory

Can public lands unify divided Americans? An interview with John Leshy

In search of the ‘forest ghost,’ South America’s cryptic giant armadillo

‘Tamper with nature, and everyone suffers’: Q&A with ecologist Enric Sala

Communities, conservation, and development in the age of COVID: Time for rethinking approaches (commentary)

The ‘Cougar Conundrum’: Q&A with author Mark Elbroch

Though forests burn, trees retake farmland globally as agroforestry advances

New Guinea has the most plant species of any island

Mangrove forest restoration boosts Costa Rica communities (commentary)

Risking death and arrest, Madagascar fishers chase dwindling sea cucumbers

The U.N.’s grand plan to save forests hasn’t worked, but some still believe it can

For the world’s rarest gorillas, a troubled sanctuary

Investors say agroforestry isn’t just climate friendly — it’s also profitable

Tigers caught on camera lounging in a Jacuzzi-sized watering hole

‘Saving sun bears’: Q&A with book author Sarah Pye

World Rainforest Day: The world’s great rainforests

How much rainforest is being destroyed?

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