Andes News

86 stories

Andes glacier melt threatens Amazon’s rivers & intensifies droughts

‘Bear’s-eye camera’ reveals elusive Andean bear cannibalism and treetop mating

How a fun women’s gathering led to small wildcat conservation in Peru’s Andes

Venezuela: Water crisis looms as deforestation spreads in Yacambú National Park

Andes community-led conservation curbs more páramo loss than state-protected area: Study

How a group in Ecuador protects 10% of the world’s bird species

Llama herding helps community in Peru recover from a melting glacier

‘What we need to protect and why’: 20-year Amazon research hints at fate of tropics

A powerful U.S. political family is behind a copper mine in the Colombian rainforest

New research finds slow forest recovery in the Andes — and ways to improve

In a Bolivian protected area torn up for gold, focus is on limiting damage

Plan to mine ‘clean energy’ metals in Colombian Amazon splits communities

‘They paid for it with misery’: Q&A with Chile dam critic Jose Marihuan Ancanao

Dam construction ignites Indigenous youth movement in southern Chile

How bears “make” a forest (commentary)

Andean eagles have managed to adapt to fragmenting habitats — for now

Drivers of Colombia’s peacetime deforestation weave a complex web

China-funded dam could disrupt key Argentine glaciers and biodiversity

In landslide-prone Colombia, forests can serve as an inexpensive shield

Moore Foundation pledges extra $300m to boost conservation of Amazon

On agrobiodiversity, the Andes can teach the world much about crop conservation (commentary)

In Peruvian Andes, ancient crops hold promise for a climate-blighted future

In Peru, ancient food technologies revived in pursuit of future security

Enhancing biodiversity through the belly: Agroecology comes alive in Chile

Planned Brazil-Peru highway threatens one of Earth’s most biodiverse places

Environmental defenders in Ecuador aren’t safe, new report shows

In the Colombian Andes, a forest corridor staves off species extinction

In Colombia, end of war meant start of runaway deforestation, study finds

Combining negotiation, legal backing and orchids to create ecotourism reserve

Camera trap study finds a threatened high-elevation mammal community in Peru

Flashing lights ward off livestock-hunting pumas in northern Chile

Bolivia’s Madidi National Park home to world’s largest array of land life, survey finds

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