Africa News

3128 stories

Ogoni women restore mangroves and livelihoods in oil-rich Niger Delta

Elephants, gorillas and chimps hold out in Cameroon’s largest protected landscape

African Parks closes deal to manage Ethiopia’s Gambella National Park

Mining in a forest conservation site clouds Republic of Congo’s carbon credit scheme

Cameroon aims to double cacao, coffee production, yet also save forests

World’s record heat is worsening air pollution and health in Global South

For Ugandan farmers, good fences make good neighbors — of elephants

‘You have to be passionate’: Interview with Turtle Survival Alliance’s Hery Razafimamonjiraibe

Companies banking on tech and collaboration to comply with EUDR

In DRC bid to grow more food, smallholders are overshadowed by industrial farming

Tortoise protection culture prompts efforts to curb trafficking in Madagascar

‘Uncertainty’ amid EUDR delay poses challenges for cocoa companies, farmers

How the Sahel junta is responding to climate change amid political isolation

Rare new Guinean flower is ‘canary in a coal mine’ — but in an actual iron mine

Photos: Top new species from 2024

Massive tortoise rewilding in Madagascar’s spiny forest strives to save fraught species

New campaign seeks swifter justice for slain South African wildlife ranger

The year in tropical rainforests: 2024

The state of carbon markets in 2024

Across continents, Mongabay fellows share insights from reporting in the field

Coral destruction for toilet construction: Interview with a Malagasy fisher

Poachers target South Africa’s ‘miracle’ plant with near impunity

From Bhutan to Nigeria & Kenya, women endure climate change differently than men

‘Killed while poaching’: When wildlife enforcement blurs into violence

Even for ‘progressive’ Danone, complying with EUDR is a challenge

A port is destroying corals to expand. Can an NGO rescue enough to matter?

‘Like you, I fear the demise of the elephants’

‘Shifting baselines’ in Cabo Verde after 50 years of declining fish stocks

Armed conflict, not Batwa people, at heart of Grauer’s gorillas’ past decline in DRC park

Young people in Africa call for a fair increase in funding for climate adaptation

Study looks for success factors in African projects that heal land and help people

Climate change fuels African floods that hit harder in vulnerable regions

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