112 stories

Study gauges use of tea as buffer crop to curb mountain gorilla raids

Bolivia’s domestic parrot trade supplied by birds seen as “crop pests”

The Maned wolf: Saving South America’s largest canid

Industry wields too much influence over U.S. pesticide regulation, says study

Are animals adapting to cities faster than we think?

Galapagos “gold rush” feeds global hunger for shark fins, sea cucumbers

Oil roads to ecological ruin: Ecuador’s bushmeat and wildlife trade

New study re-assesses conservation status of Peruvian amphibians

Tracking the tiny: Harmonic direction finders aid study of small amphibians  

Saving the Barbary Macaque: An interview with Dr. Sian Waters

Feline Unseen: The African Golden Cat

13 ‘keystone’ corporations hold sway over sustainability of global fisheries

Antibiotics revolution? iChip promises resistance-free antibiotics

Moratoria beat certification to reduce deforestation for soy, palm oil, cattle

Scientists find surprising climate change refuge for reef-building corals: beneath mangroves

New study finds the brilliant-thighed poison frog can learn its way home

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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