Dimas Marques
Born in 1973 in the city of São Paulo (Brazil), he has degrees in Journalism and Letters, both courses at the University of São Paulo (USP). He concluded the lato sensu postgraduate course “Environment and Society” at the São Paulo School of Sociology and Politics Foundation with a monograph about fauna trafficking in Brazil. He holds a master's degree in Sciences from Diversitas - Center for the Study of Diversities, Intolerances and Conflicts at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo (FFLCH/USP), where he researched the coverage of wild animal trafficking by the major Brazilian newspapers.
He has worked in the Brazilian press since 1991, when he started as a reporter in city and police affairs editorials. He started to cover environmental issues in 2001 and, since then, he has been active in this area, with a preference for themes related to wild fauna. He is currently editor in chief of the Fauna News website (www.faunanews.com.br).