83 stories

Mining company Belo Sun sues environmental defenders in intimidation tactic, NGOs say

Despite progress, small share of climate pledge went to Indigenous groups: report

Agroecology schools help communities restore degraded land in Guatemala

Effort to save rare Colombian monkey looks to crowdfund its conservation

Indigenous groups turn to Brazil’s highest court to stop police violence

Report links financial giants to deforestation of Paraguay’s Gran Chaco

Poisoned by pesticides: Health crisis deepens in Brazil’s Indigenous communities

Community-led coral restoration project is rare hit amid slew of misses in Indonesia

Gold rush in Ecuador’s Amazon region threatens 1,500 communities

Restoring coastal forests can protect coral reefs against sediment runoff: Study

Young forests can help heal tropical aquatic ecosystems: Study

Find my elephant: The conservation apps revolutionizing how rangers work

Warming climate means scientists may have overcounted bonobos, study says

Threatened species caught in crossfire of ongoing land conflict in Myanmar

Shifting cultivation: more than a means of livelihood

Flooding devastates Ecuador’s indigenous communities in the Amazon

Photos of wild tiger cubs in Thailand rekindles hope for species

Costa Rica caterpillar decline spells trouble for ecosystems

Study finds new population of rare deer — but in Brazil’s Arc of Deforestation

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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