79 stories

Colombian victims win historic lawsuit over banana giant Chiquita

Organized crime brings renewed threats to Yanomami in Brazil

Study: More than half of Australia’s clean energy mines lie on Indigenous land

‘Water grabs’ pose big threat to farmers amid water crises

Photos: Exploring Mexico City’s Aztec-era farms, the chinampas

UNESCO accused of supporting human rights abuses in African parks

Brazilian Amazon ‘cattle laundering’ taints JBS & Frigol supply chains: Report

Ancient farming system and campesino livelihoods at risk in Mexico City

As miner quells protests in Ecuador, Canadian firms’ rights record faces scrutiny

Deforestation haunts top Peruvian reserve and its Indigenous communities

Cross-border Indigenous efforts in Peru & Brazil aim to protect isolated groups

Panama delays promised relocation of sinking island community

International hesitancy to adopt environmental regulations threatens Indigenous rights

Report calls for agroecological rethink of Africa’s food amid $61b industrial plan

Global protected area policies spark conflicts with Mexico Indigenous groups

New precedent as Afro-Brazilian quilombo community wins historic land claim

Road project promising access to Indigenous Waorani is ushering in deforestation

Andes community-led conservation curbs more páramo loss than state-protected area: Study

Critics decry controversial bill that loosens deforestation restrictions in Peru

New agrarian courts in Colombia raise hopes for end to land conflicts

New fund supports Indigenous-led land management in biodiverse area of Bolivia

Mexico announces 20 new protected areas despite budget cuts

Courage & calm despite attacks: Q&A with Colombian activist Yuly Velásquez

Guyana Amerindian communities fear Venezuela’s move to annex oil-rich region

Promise of full demarcation for isolated Amazon tribe rings hollow for some

Historic land win for Ecuador’s Siekopai sets precedent for other Indigenous peoples

Reports allege abuses by Glencore in Peru and Colombia, and the banks funding them

Mega oil and gas auction in the Brazilian Amazon may threaten Indigenous lands

Mining company Belo Sun sues environmental defenders in intimidation tactic, NGOs say

Despite progress, small share of climate pledge went to Indigenous groups: report

Agroecology schools help communities restore degraded land in Guatemala

Effort to save rare Colombian monkey looks to crowdfund its conservation

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