Xavier Bartaburu

247 stories

Migratory Amazonian catfish placed on the international protection list

A feathered cape bridges past and present for Brazil’s Indigenous Tupinambá

Megafires are spreading in the Amazon — and they are here to stay

Agrochemicals take a big toll on Global South, new Atlas of Pesticides shows

Brazil’s environmental David fights Congress’s agribusiness Goliath: Interview with Nilto Tatto

In the Brazilian outback, the half-century Kapinawá struggle for sacred ground

Indigenous women filmmakers form collective, using cameras to fight for rights

The waters of the Xingu: A source of life at risk of death

Extreme drought in western Pará pushes family farmers into agroforestry

In Brazil’s Caatinga, adapted agroforests are producing food from dry lands

Company sells Indigenous land in Amazonas as NFTs without community’s knowledge

Colombian companies defy laws, push Amazon carbon projects in Indigenous lands

Latest planned Amazon dam project threatens Indigenous lands, endemic species

A community-led strategy to save Brazil’s dry forests from desertification

A Brazilian NGO restores widely degraded Atlantic Forest amid mining threats

Amazonian expedition searches out rare ‘fish from the clouds’

Germany signals boost in support for Brazil through Amazon Fund

Study shows dire outlook for amphibians: 40% threatened with extinction

Shell affiliate accused of violating Indigenous rights in carbon credit contracts

Indigenous Suruí turn invaders’ crop into high-quality Amazonian coffee

Indigenous seed collectors grow a network of restoration across Brazil

São Paulo nurseries bring the city’s rare and forgotten trees back to life

Brazil’s Indigenous communities turn to native beekeeping to recover nature

How climate change could jeopardize Brazilian coffee

99% of Caatinga biome could lose plant species due to climate change: Study

Brazil’s Indigenous women march again for the rights of their people and lives

From Orinoco to Amazon, Indigenous Warao struggle in search of refuge

In São Paulo’s cityscape, community gardens prompt a new food paradigm

The struggle to deter mining operations in a little-known biodiversity sanctuary in Brazil

Transgenics contaminate a third of Brazil’s traditional corn in semiarid region

Heart rate monitors to measure stress on maned wolves in Brazil’s Cerrado

How the Amazon’s ‘greatest devastator’ sold cattle to a Carrefour supplier 

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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