Xavier Bartaburu

247 stories

Brazilian Indigenous artists take the forest to the world

For Caatinga’s last jaguars and pumas, wind farms are the newest threat

Beach heat: Study shows increasing temperature extremes on Brazil’s coast

Niéde Guidon’s 50-year fight to protect Serra da Capivara, the Americas’ largest prehistoric site

Fair winds or fowl: Clean energy clashes with conservation in Brazil’s Caatinga

Zika, dengue transmission expected to rise with climate change

How seed networks across Brazil are helping to restore biomes

The endless struggle to clean up Rio de Janeiro’s highly polluted Guanabara Bay

Offshore oil plans in Brazil threaten South America’s largest coral reef

São Paulo students plant mini-forests on school grounds as urban oases

Indigenous villagers still lack safe land, water & food after 2019 dam burst

Climate emergency may channel millions in resources toward corn-based ethanol in the Amazon

Brazil nut harvesting proves a win-win for forest and community livelihood

Munduruku Collective interviews Maria Leusa on leading the Indigenous struggle

In the land of honey and nuts: Indigenous solutions to save Brazil’s Cerrado

The climate is already changing in the Matopiba, Brazil’s new agricultural frontier

Projects in Brazil’s Caatinga biome combine conservation and climate adaptation

Dam-building spree pushes Amazon Basin’s aquatic life closer to extinction

Q&A with Sydney Possuelo, the most prominent specialist in isolated indigenous peoples in Brazil

Rainforest cowboys: Rodeo culture sweeps the Amazon

Expedition catches Amazon river dolphins to help save this iconic pink species

Fishers confirm scientists’ warning: Brazil’s Belo Monte dam killed off the river

Years of pioneering work make Brazil the model for reintroduction of jaguars

A Guarani community brings native bees back in the shadow of São Paulo

A frontline view of the fight against illegal mining in Yanomami territory

After Bruno Pereira’s murder, widow Beatriz Matos strives for Indigenous rights

Community pine nut harvests help protect Brazil’s araucaria trees

Study attempts to foresee the future of Amazonian mammals if the rainforest turns into savanna

Where Indigenous land rights prevail in Brazil, so does nature, study finds

Rainforest reporting: Journalists discuss the challenges & dangers of Amazonia

To restore Brazil’s Cerrado, planting trees is a bad option, experts say

In central Brazil, mining company ignores Quilombola concerns over gold project

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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