Genevieve Belmaker

485 stories

Environmental democracy in Ecuador promotes anti-mining agenda

Peru prosecutors probe Amazon deforestation linked to Mennonite communities

Land and language: Indigenous cultures key to protecting Amazon biodiversity

Indigenous Colombians mount a spiritual defense of the Amazon

Rewilding key to averting mass extinctions and reducing carbon emissions

Guyana’s future and challenges in oil: Q&A with filmmaker Shane Thomas McMillan

P&G shareholders vote in landslide to address supply-chain deforestation

Camila Chindoy, the Indigenous daughter poised to lead her Amazon community

Ecuador Indigenous accuse state of crimes against humanity

For Amazon’s harpy eagle, nesting trees are also coveted for timber

Battle over proposed Colombian port at Tribugá puts sustainable development in focus

Top award for Indigenous alliance is most recent in a series of wins for the Amazon

Brazilian dry forests are chronically degraded even in non-deforested areas

Ikea faces Swiss complaint over wood believed to have been illegally logged

TIME’s list of 100 most influential people in 2020 includes Indigenous Waorani leader

Fires turn sage brush habitat in Washington into a scorched ‘oblivion’

Research behind award-winning documentary film reveals new species

Discovery of threatened species drives bid to protect Vietnam forest

Fishing for change: Local management of Amazon’s largest fish also empowers women

Park rangers, the guardians of Ecuador’s biodiversity, face job insecurity

Latin America unites to fight global inequalities in new regional pact

‘It’s taking away our wise men’: COVID-19 hits Peru’s Indigenous people hard

Company investigated for timber trafficking gets stimulus from Peru government

For South America’s wilderness areas, COVID-19 brings risk and respite

Amazon ‘women warriors’ show gender equality, forest conservation go hand in hand

Ecuador races for emergency infrastructure as river’s collapse threatens dam

Probe begins into alleged deforestation by Olam, ‘world’s largest farmer’

In Colombia, a protected park is buffeted by social, environmental conflicts

Vietnam approves $9 billion development within mangrove reserve

In Bogotá, communities weave an unlikely wetland success story

Forest crimes persist in Peru following Indigenous leader’s murder

Double blow to Colombian Amazon and Indigenous groups from armed militants, COVID-19

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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