Erik Hoffner


Erik is a photojournalist, editor, and award-winning podcast producer for Mongabay. Find his latest thoughts posted on Bluesky and see more of his writing and fine art photography via Instagram via @erikhoffner on both platforms.

624 stories

As a campaigner against deforestation, almost dying of COVID-19 was ironic (commentary)

Silvopasturing improves ranches and the environment in Panama

Transforming conservation at virtual Earth Optimism Summit, April 22-24

Earth Day in the coronavirus era: Can resilience thinking provide a way forward? (commentary)

Tribute to Garth Owen-Smith, African conservationist (commentary)

Positive ways forward for chocolate industry tainted by deforestation and child labor (commentary)

80 percent of conservation careers negatively affected by COVID pandemic (commentary)

Hanging with Romi: Get to know our camera trap expert and host of Candid Animal Cam

Kenya, conservation and music: Q&A with singer Barbara Guantai

In Kenya, the indigenous music of Afro Simba promotes environmental stewardship and peace

‘Just incredible’ reptiles and amphibians of South Africa: Q&A with Tyrone Ping

Conservation nation: How Palau protects its reefs and waters (commentary)

Young farmers apply ancient agroforestry practices in the heart of Sardinia

Goldman Prize winner launches new environmental foundation in the Cook Islands

From scorpion skewers to cricket flour, bug protein is becoming big business

2020 ballot initiative would restore wolves to Colorado

Microplastics may be a macro problem for the U.S. Great Plains, too, study finds

Europe’s ‘ruthless’ animal attractions: Q & A with filmmaker Aaron Gekoski

Agroforestry program in Appalachia receives $590,000 in federal funding

Democratic values that protected Indonesian rainforests now need saving, too

$85 million initiative to scale up agroforestry in Africa announced

Video: Pango-Cam offers amazing and unique view of pangolin behavior

New detection devices could record microplastic pollution levels in real time

Chilean band Newen Afrobeat sings of a future it hopes to see

Into the abyss with deep sea biologist Diva Amon

Asian otters gain protection from the pet trade

Top Mongabay beach reads for the ‘dog days’ of summer

Secretive and colorful dryas monkey isn’t as rare as once thought

Agroforestry: An ancient ‘indigenous technology’ with wide modern appeal (commentary)

Snowy owl summer: Raptor rehabilitation center releases Arctic visitor

In India’s Sundarbans, communities shrink as their island sinks

Shift to renewable energy could have biodiversity cost, researchers caution

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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