
321 stories

Hope, but no free pass, as Pacific corals show tolerance to warming oceans

‘Catastrophic breeding failure’ for penguins as Antarctic sea ice vanishes

Deep-sea mining meetings conclude after stalemate on key agenda items

Deep-sea mining rules delayed two more years; mining start remains unclear

Keep it down: U.N. report lists ways to reduce ocean noise pollution

Deep-sea expedition reveals rare octo-nurseries off Costa Rica

Study finds locally managed marine areas in Fiji yield mixed results

New hope in the Mediterranean: Scientists find deep corals withstand heat waves

‘No future’: Iceland cancels whale hunt over animal welfare concerns

Norway cites ‘green transition’ in move toward embracing deep-sea mining

Penguins ‘enrich our lives’: Q&A with Pablo Borboroglu, protector of penguins

Several reef sharks at greater threat of extinction than thought, study shows

Science and culture join forces to restore 120 miles of Hawaiian reefs

Expedition to Pacific ecosystems hopes to learn from their resilience

Studies show oyster reef restoration can work out well — given enough time

Ecuador to boost protection of Galápagos in biggest debt-for-nature deal ever

Seabird conservation mostly works, comprehensive new data set shows

Spamming streams with hatchery salmon can disrupt ecosystems, study finds

Even in recycling, microplastics remain a persistent polluter, study shows

Seafloor life abounds around hydrothermal vents hot enough to melt lead

Global Ocean Census aims to find 100,000 marine species in 10 years

‘Extinct’ snails return to Tahiti in largest wildlife reintroduction ever

Kelp forests contribute $500 billion to global economy, study shows

Parasites of the Caribbean: Study pinpoints cause of sea urchin die-off

What’s black and white and spins? Wind turbines that don’t kill birds

As oceans warm, temperate reef species edge closer to extinction, study shows

Island-hopping cougars redraw boundaries of big cats’ potential range

Fishy business of squid vessels needs stronger regulation, study says

Panama ocean conference draws $20 billion, marine biodiversity commitments

After decades away, rare Peruvian seabird nests on island freed of invaders

Experts pushing for high-seas fishing ban win ‘Nobel Prize for environment’

‘They’re everywhere out there’: Three new nautilus species described

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