
99 stories

Here’s what’s driving deforestation in South America

New Rio Olympic golf course harmed environment, say critics

SE Asia’s damaged peat swamps could release 8.7 gigatons of CO2

Reestablishing a wild population of American burying beetles

Study suggests trees sleep at night

New Cambodian protected forest offers hope for endangered wildlife

Scientists puzzled by slowing of Atlantic conveyor belt, warn of abrupt climate change

The key to tropical conservation: scrap big projects, invest in people

Indonesia’s birds being wiped out by pet trade

Video: Critically Endangered monkey ‘chatters’ for camera

Empowering smartphone users to bear witness to illegal wildlife trade

Norway commits to zero deforestation

Thousands of Southeast Asian newts being collected from the wild for pet trade

Peruvian gov’t affirms illegal plantation activity in Amazon rainforest

An improbable future for Nicaragua’s inter-oceanic canal

The Borneo rainbow toad has been missing for 87 years — until now

Zika: from obscure virus to global health emergency

The results are in: Winners of the Mongabay internship awards

First-ever photos of long-lost blue-eyed bird from Brazil

Epilogue: Conservation still divided, looking for a way forward

The assassinations of Mother Nature’s guardians (commentary)

World’s most expensive coffee often produced from caged, abused civets, study finds

Five technologies help thwart illegal logging by tracing wood’s origin

Saving reef fish from the impacts of a hit film

Dams flood 36,000 hectares of Brazilian rainforest

Climate negotiators focus on carbon credits, underplay human rights

Indonesia’s forestry ministry follows through on palm oil permit freeze

One-third of North America’s birds at risk of extinction, report says

The top 10 most biodiverse countries

Reducing human-wildlife conflict in the blink of a light

Indigenous territories occupy 40 percent of protected land and marine areas in Central America

Shell spills 88,200 gallons of oil into Gulf of Mexico

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