Greenland ice cap melting faster finds NASA

Greenland ice cap melting faster finds NASA Greenland ice cap melting faster finds NASA NASA release December 26, 2005 In the first direct, comprehensive mass survey of the entire Greenland…

Brazilian Reporter Defends Amazon

Brazilian Reporter Defends Amazon Brazilian Reporter Defends Amazon Michael Astor The Associated Press December 25, 2005 BELEM, Brazil — Journalist Lucio Flavio Pinto's crusade against the destroyers of the Amazonian…

Dangerous times on Brazil’s Amazon frontier

Dangerous times on Brazil's Amazon frontier Dangerous times on Brazil's Amazon frontier Andrew Hay Reuters December 22, 2005 ALTAMIRA, Brazil, Dec 22 (Reuters) - Amazon land activist Deurival Santiago has…

Tsunami relief risks rainforest destruction

Tsunami relief risks rainforest destruction Tsunami relief risks rainforest destruction Tina Butler, December 19, 2005 EDITOR'S UPDATE: (19 Dec 2005) Today WWF warned that donor countries must include sustainably…

2005 is second warmest year on record

2005 is second warmest year on record 2005 is second warmest year on record Rhett A. Butler, December 16, 2005 SUMMARY: Two new reports from government agencies say that…
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