Green News

200 stories

Rising deforestation threatens rare species in Indonesia’s ancient Lake Poso

Photos: Top new species from 2024

Amazon’s Boiling River gives scientists a window into the rainforest’s future

‘Bear’s-eye camera’ reveals elusive Andean bear cannibalism and treetop mating

Rappahannock Tribe first in US to enshrine rights of nature into constitution

Droughts could change bird songs, creating new species, says study on Darwin’s finches

‘Glimmers of promise’ for 30×30 goal as UN report calls for boosted efforts

When bats die, farmers use more pesticides & infant deaths rise, study shows

In the dark of the night, sponges help possum shrimp ‘smell’ their way home

Small snails make big comeback in French Polynesia

Reforestation to capture carbon could be done much more cheaply, study says

Ants perform life-saving amputations on injured nestmates, study finds

New relatives of the cacao tree uncovered in old plant collections

Study finds best plants for bee health and conservation in North America

‘Miracle’ in miniature as rare new plant defies deforestation in Ecuador

Canada’s 2023 wildfires outsmoked global aviation, yet emissions go uncounted

New study says conservation works, providing hope for biodiversity efforts

Meet the 2024 Goldman Environmental Prize Winners

Women weave a culture of resistance and agroecology in Ecuador’s Intag Valley

A new and improved bird family tree shows rapid post-dinosaur evolution

Haunting song pays tribute to Toughie, the frog whose extinction went unnoticed

How to ‘stop mining before it starts’: Interview with community organizer Carlos Zorrilla

Previously logged forests struggle to thrive, even with restoration, study finds

Ancient giant river dolphin species found in the Peruvian Amazon

Biological field stations deliver high return on investment for conservation, study finds

New giant anaconda species found on Waorani Indigenous land in Ecuador

We’re losing species faster than we can find them, study shows

Tropical forests share similar mix of common and rare tree species, study shows

Newly described tree species from Sumatra could be vital for threatened orangutans

Brazil’s mammals help humanity, but those services are at risk, study says

New guidebook draws on real-world experiences for running private nature reserves

Track-a-mole: Sniffer dog and eDNA help ‘rediscover’ South African golden mole

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